Readme OpenRoads ConceptStation

Known Issues

This section contains information about known issues in this OpenRoads ConceptStation release. You should report any other issue found while using this software. Please do not assume that others will report the information. However, it is not necessary to report any of the known issues described on this page.



Exported IRD might contain non-matching template components.

Edit the templates in OpenRoads.

Getting the "Error reading schema" when importing an ESRI File Geodatabase.

This error is produced when trying to import older version of ESRI File Geodatabase. Only version 10 or newer is supported. Upgrade the Geodatabase using the newer version of ESRI software.

Ramp connection might create strange results in some cases.

Try to specify a greater angle value between the two roads. Make sure the elevation of the two roads are similar.

Ramp polygon might be too long in some loop ramp cases leading to potential lane marking issues.

Manually modify the polygon length and then manually adjust the lane marking.

Ramp might have straight down grading to the ground.

Manually modify the polygon length to make it shorter.

When modifying the radius, Superelevation is applying some super to curves that should be Normal Crown.

None at this time.

Editing the length of a bridge does not update the number of spans.

Manually edit the number spans from the bridge properties panel.

Import DGN that has a terrain fail.

Terrain should be detached from the DGN prior to import in OpenRoads ConceptStation.

Importing and inpx file created with OpenRoads ConceptStation in Vissim is displaying in the wrong location.

None at this time.

Bridge ramp connection does not update on changing profile of either roads.

None at this time.

Bridge Ramp creation when not in "Top" view: visual feedback is far from the ramp (offset).

Make sure to be in Top View before creating the Bridge Ramp.

Divide Road cannot be placed over ramps or intersections.

Make sure the start and end station are placed over road segment.

Display issue when creating a bridge if the alignment crossover itself.

None at this time.

ALG import outside of the project extend.

Edit the ALG in OpenRoads to make sure it contains only what needs to be imported.